How To's | LiveStream | 713-622-5710 | 3471 Westheimer Road | Houston, TX 77027

Road Trips with Paul

6/4/2023 - 7/30/2023

In This Series

  1. God's Chosen Instrument | Traditional | 6.4.23
  2. The Missional Church | Traditional | 6.11.23
  3. Fight Fair | Traditional | 6.18.23
  4. Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood | Traditional | 6.25.23
  5. Sharing Life | Traditional | 7.2.23
  6. Opening the Gift | Traditional | 7.9.23
  7. An Honest Conversation | Traditional | 7.16.23
  8. Whatever It Takes | Traditional | 7.23.23
  9. God's Architect | Traditional | 7.30.23